Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Case and I did a lot of working out this summer, after school got out. But with our move we really fell off the wagon, and getting back on is rough. Case is not fond of me as a personal trainer. Today after school we ran around the block~1/3 mile, with a bigger hill than we saw the whole time we lived in Florida. Then we came inside and kept up the torture fun. 3 sets of:10 side to side jumps, over a piece of string

10 steps up with leg curls on each side

10 sit ups
10 push-ups
and 5 forward rolls.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Possum Day

Actual washtub base, so cool!
Hold on to your hats folks, yesterday we got to attend Millbrook's annual Possum Day* celebration.
It was lots of fun, with both a bounce house and a bluegrass band for Case's amusement.
Check out the water on the grass; we've had 4 1/2 inches of rain this week
We arrived between rainstorms and spent an hour or so listening to a great local band. In the meantime the bounce house was inflated and Case jumped in there until he was so hot he slid wet and dripping out the door.

*Nope, I never figured out why the Possum gets it's own holiday here.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Putting the boy to work. He needed help with the darks, but loaded the whites all by himself.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


We found ourselves looking for something different and interesting to do this afternoon, so we headed to the stables near our house. Upon exiting the car, Case starts running towards the animals yelling "huggin da horse!" He was very excited but waiting for the horses to be saddled up was nearly unbearable (I've got such short little legs that the first saddle didn't fit.)

Case and I rode a nice mellow horse named Whiskey. Case patted him on the neck and chattered about farms. If there had been a rooster there he would have died with happiness.

Marc's lovely horse Our guide was a girl who rode bareback and talked on a cellphone. There is something really funny about watching someone text from the back of a horse.
I'm so glad to have such a cool opportunity so close to our house!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


My mom makes the best fettucine Alfredo ever.


We spent our Saturday afternoon at the Zoo today, hopefully wearing Case out. He immediately wanted to see the snakes. His favorite was the orange snake (Blood Python-awesome!)

He ran around the circular reptile house a dozen or so times before moving on to the otter. Genius design feature, those round buildings.
The otter is his clear favorite. We were there for easily half an hour.

Eventually we pried him away from the otter and saw the jaguar, who LOVES children. Tasty, tasty children. This is the only animal in the zoo with a warning label outside it's cage.

We were tired and hot by the time we left, but not nearly as hot as it was when we went with the grandparents.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Yesterday we got a fishtank. Case, as you can tell from these pictures, is besides himself with joy.Yep, that is a triceretops skull

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Product endorsement ahead:

Today Case and I played a great game from our new book The Out-Of-Sync Child Has Fun. It was recomended by the amazing Amalah.
There are lots of books out there with playtime ideas for kids, and none of them seemed a good fit for Case-rules he could understand were obvious baby games, and age-appropriate activities were far out of reach. This is the first book I've seen that every activity is something I really could do with Case. Most of the activities count as fun occupational therapy too.