Saturday, July 19, 2008


Giving in to peer pressure, a blog for those of you who want to hear about my family and not my knitting exploits. I thought about titling it "Nerd Family" or something similar, but figured the combined relativity/Tolstoy reference would speak louder. Considering the three of us, maybe I should have stuck with "Spectrum Family" though.

We went to the beach today, where we had beautiful weather but the water was a combination of seaweedy and jellyfishy that kept us busy on shore. Monkey built his first sand castle all by himself. He had a great time and burned tons of energy. Then, things ended as all good sand castles do.

1 comment:

deb said...

Love that you've started a blog. It's fun to see Case all healthy and tan on the beach, constructing his first sandcastle. Yesterday we started cutting trees on our property so when Case can swing a hammer-send him out to CO to pound nails on our house! mom