Sunday, September 19, 2010


Something is different about you tonight... I can't quite put my finger on it. Don't hide, let me guess!
Ohhhhhh! Case finally lost a tooth!
The boy who can not abide a loose string on his socks without picking at it, who worries at the scabs on his knees until we have to duct tape pants on over the bandaids, who must have short fingernails lest he carve pieces out of his nose and ears, absolutely refused to touch his loose tooth. It has been wiggly for over a week. Finally tonight while we were all snuggled on the couch together watching "Ponyo" the next tooth pushed it clean from his gums, in the least traumatic tooth loss ever. He reached into his mouth, and handed the tiny denticle to me, hardly moving his eyes from the little red fish on screen.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

Swimming at the Base pool We are enjoying the heck out of our Labor day weekend.

Green Eggs and Ham!
Case rode for a mile and a half, than ran another half mile-awesome!