Saturday, December 4, 2010


Awwwww It is amazing to me that our funny little sheltered spectrum boy still has absorbed enough pop culture to know that you should give Santa-man a hug.
This is the same Santa we saw there last year! It might be that he likes beards though.

Case's shooting fundamentals need some work This morning we took another seasonal trip to Bass Pro, where have games and activities for kids, and print up free pictures of your kid with Santa. I thanked them for their kindness by spending lots of money.

In the toy section I saw a small plastic toy truck, with a couple kayaks, tiny fishing gear, and a hound dog, all parked in a cardboard diorama picturing mountains and a lake. Very Alabama. I can not help but wonder if there is similar but opposite-world toy in Seattle with a Prius accessorized with tiny Starbucks cups and a boutique dog parked in front of a Whole Foods.


Lara said...

Don't forget the Obama sticker on the back of the Prius, it still may have a Kayak on top however.

PS, I don't think we have Bass Pro Shop here.

I love Case's Santa Pic

rockwoodimages said...

The bizarro world! Looks like Case enjoyed shooting the rifle - Marc too. Come on out here and they can shoot for real!!

rachel said...

Okay, I literally teared up with happiness at the picture of Case hugging Santa then laughed out loud at the image of a Seattle diorama.
Then thought of my Prius in the garage and Lauren's boutique dog and laughed even harder.
I so love and crazy miss you guys.