Saturday, November 17, 2012


 Case likes to read stories to his fish.  We started out with Moby Dick, but the fish found that upsetting, so we switched to Cat in the Hat.  I didn't think it was much of an improvement, but the fish says the ending is good.
(The long sleeves are to keep him from picking holes right through his arms.  We have to keep the ac on for it to be comfortable.)


Rockwood said...

Great pictures. Looks like he is enjoying his books.

deb said...

AC in Nov.-that's crazy. We're getting down to zero some nites.

Thanks for the sweet b-day gifts. Case's pictures are adorable! Love the koa braclet and the choco covered macadamias. . .Oh my gosh! Can't wait to come out and see you guys.

Lara said...

I love that he loves to read and find it adorable that he's reading to his fish. He should get a new coconut so his audience will be bigger.
I hope you guys had a nice Thanksgiving. I ended up with 12 people at my orphan Thanksgiving. It was fun.