Sunday, May 19, 2013

Back to the Beach!

Case asked to go to the tide pools again this week.  Actually he asked to go find hermit crabs again this week, but we hadn't been to our favorite beach in about a month, so he was overruled. 
There were lots of really big things at the beach this weekend.

 Really big crabs,
 (and one really tiny one.)
 Big waves that were great for body surfing,
 big differences in activity levels between my two boys (also big muscles,)
 and very big castles.

We are still working out the details of giant bucket sand-castle making.  The first two towers came out well, but the second two collapsed when the bucket was removed.  We thought that tower 3 was too wet, so we made tower 4 pretty dry. . . but got similar results.  We will keep working at it, but even half-right was pretty impressive.


Rockwood said...

How about a picture or two of you! For the buckets, what about Pam or wd-40 spray to make the sand slide out easier? Looks like fun!

deb said...

Ahhh . . . Bellows Beach ! What fun memories of warm sand and playing in the water with family.
We think often of our trip. . . .especially on days like today. We're still getting snow.