Saturday, June 22, 2013


 Six and a half years ago when Case and I finally met Marc in Florida and we finally had these wonderous paychecks that would allow us to do things like pay rent and bills and eat (!) I bought Case a Thomas train set.
 Since then we have seen that little blue engine chug around the tracks thousands of times.  Millions of times.  We now have a larger cast of trains and have actually worn out several engines.  No one anywhere, ever, has enjoyed these little trains so thoroughly.
 So it thrilled me to no end the other day when instructed to draw a picture of Thomas, Case actually did.  No help, no instruction, just encouragement while I made dinner and he sat at the bar and drew.  Thomas is the small blue engine on the top, Percy is the little green engine.  Also included are an alarm clock set at 3:00, "James" written in red because he is a red engine, a very decorated "Mavis," and a ghost from Pacman.
 The next one was even better, with more happy engines and the musical notes indicating both the theme song and the various steamie's whistles.  It is so positive, with a cheery "great job!" accompanying the trains names, sounded out slowly by me to be transcribed.  Mavis is my favorite here, with the detail of her square diesel face with yellow diagonal stripes. 
 And last, another portrait of Mavis, a little music, and an impassioned plea to stop with the homework and please let him go play Wii already.


Pat said...

Cute pictures! I have Case's drawings of bugs taped to the wall above my work computer. They make me happy. I loved Case's "ladybugs picnic" on my birthday card. May have to frame it.

rock said...

Just think of all the fun that Thomas the Train has given so many kids. I think of the picture of Case hugging Sir Toppan Hat when you guys saw him in Alabama. Wish I had thought of Thomas!

The drawings are great. I am printing out the train one so I can have it.

Jill T said...

The first thing we bought Tess when we started getting those paychecks were 2 bathing suits and we thought we were really living it up!

It is really fun to see what he draws, I love seeing the details that he picks out. It is so cute.

Lara said...

I love those so much

rachel said...

You are basically the coolest mom ever.