Saturday, September 7, 2013

I'm on a boat!

After a busy summer full of exercise after exercise, Marc is finally home and took this last week off of work.  It was terrific.  We celebrated by dropping the boy off at school and taking a sailing lesson.  Thank you government sponsored child care; I can not possibly take care of that lunatic every single second. 
 Our ship was a Rhodes 19, a fun little boat full of yar and other nautical terms.  I was unprepared for how very very complicated sailing is.  Ropes everywhere.  You turn one way to go the other.  If you are nervous about something there is no good way to do it really slowly.  And I was only in charge of the jib. 
I meant to take more pictures, but I was busy ALL OF THE TIMES.
But it was a lot of fun, even if the life vest does fit me rather bizarrely.  It was beautiful and blue.  You are constantly creating a breeze, so it's never too hot.  There were lots of turtles out, and in a sail boat you sometimes sneak up on them causing a terrific startle reaction.  Our next lesson is in a couple weeks.  Hopefully we will maintain our zero collision rating.


deb said...

Looks like fun. When was the last time you sailed---back in jr. high in the boat you and Dad built ?

dbkimey said...

Marc was always a great sailor!
Have fun with the lessons.

Rockwood said...

When I was a kid, I crashed a sail boat into a restaurant while my parents were eating! It was fun though. I do agree, you need your own life jacket!!

Jill T said...

Boy that water is beautiful. I think it's cool that you're on a boat, especially with all of the sailing in the book. Also, I'm interested in the turtle startle reaction. Do they pull in and sink?

Lara said...

I'm inspired by you two and think I may actually sign up for sailing too. Sadly, I won't be seeing sea turtles and the part where they make you fall out of the boat to see if you can get back in(does that actually happen?) will be way suckier. You guys are cool