Thursday, June 2, 2011


Life has been very busy lately, with the end of school, IEP meetings, travel to three states, and neurologist appointments. So I'll backtrack about three weeks to Case's end of the year class party. His favorite part was the parachute.The parachute in my opinion was the absolute coolest part of elementary school. Case agrees. After a while, his play changes though. He starts watching things differently. I can see him planning something. He looks across the chute and makes eye contact-And darts for the center, to let the parachute slowly settle around him as he emerges from the center to his friend's giggles.


Lara said...

That looks awesome.
I love the pictures of him peeking at you from the other side of the parachute and his teacher cracking up.
It was so great to see you tow in Colorado last week

rockwoodimages said...

He does look like he is having fun. How did he figure there was a hole in the middle he could get into? I bet all the other kids wished they had thought of it.