Friday, August 31, 2012

Koko Head

Because we are lucky and this base is awesome, Those Whom Decide These Sorts of Things turned this already three day weekend into a four day weekend.  Hurray!  Case officially had school today, but we pulled him out so we could all spend time together.

Yeah right, turn down state funded babysitting?  No way, we chose a hike that Case would hate and did that instead.  That hike ended up as the Koko Crater Stairway.  And we were correct, Case would have been miserable.
Koko Head is less of a hike and more of a 1100 step stairmaster workout.  It is only around a mile, but the elevation gain is 1200 feet.  You step on railroad ties, left there from WWII when the Air Force had a small outpost on top.  Early on you have to cross a small bridge, constructed for rail cars and not pedestrians.  Under our feet in the below picture?  The top of a not insubstantial tree.  It is a great WOD, but not for a little guy who still needs to go down stairs one at a time. 
 As soon as my legs stop shaking I want to try again to beat our time.  Who's up for it?

1 comment:

deb said...

Great picture of you two, and what a view! I would like to try this when we come out----at least the altitude part will be easy. Could you convince the Base to put up a handrail ?