Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bike riding

More pictures of awesome kid being awesome.  We turned the bike down to medium today, so less gyroscoping and more skill necessary.  It was a very good workout for me (he can peddle so fast!)
This video is our Gyrobike commercial, showing briefly how it works.  It really is amazing.  As you can see, if the bike is moving forward it will stay up on it's own.  It is a little harder with someone on it, as that is a lot of weight up high, but it is a great help without teaching bad habits like training wheels.  The hardest part is the start, as it needs the forward movement for the wheel to keep it up.  But once you are going it just gets easier the faster you go.
Saturday I thought there was no way this would work, that we might as well just go pick up the big trike.  Now I have high hopes that Thursday we'll be able to return the rental and Case can get his very own bike.


rock said...

I am blown away on how quick he picked it up. He is ridding like a champ and it is so obvious that he is having a good time and really enjoying it. He knows what an accomplishment it is and is proud. I can't stop re-playing the videos!!

Jill T said...

I was wondering if he would turn back or just keep going in the second video.
love you guys,