Friday, July 5, 2013

Independence Day

Independence Day WOD: 10 rounds for time of 45m sprint (to end of the alley), 45m walking lunges, then 90m farmers walk (90lbs.)
Lunges are best when you can watch your shadow
 Feel free to scale the weight, or wear a helmet. Also take a walk with mom in the middle if you need a break.
Finish up with some OT if Mom thinks you need it.
We followed this with a trip to the practically empty zoo (followed by nap).
And that evening, lots and lots of fireworks, accompanied by delicious bbq plate lunch.

Case thought this was wonderful.  As you can see, he has been really excited about the fireworks, enough to write about it at school.


Jill T said...

I love Case's journal entry, that is so sweet!

Rockwood said...

What a fun day. Wish we were there! You guys all look like you are in pretty good shape!

deb said...

Case carefully observing his shadow to make sure his form is good.

Pat said...

Great exercise and great writing. I know Case LOVES fireworks. What a fun day!

Lara said...

His writing is so good! Also, you look adorable