Sunday, October 13, 2013

So I've been busy of late

Still overwhelmed beyond descriptions punctuation grammar.  Facts are easier.  Arrived at the hospital at 0500.  People in surgical waiting room asked when I was due, and we joyfully answered Today!  They celebrated with us and promised to listen for your song.
 0759 on October 11th.  Had intended to watch the surgery but was very nauseous.  Crazy yanking and pulling then incredible pressure and they held up a round red dark-haired little girl up over the drape.
 They played Twinkle Little Star just for you over the hospital loudspeakers and I laughed on the surgical table when they came back announced your weight 10 pounds 2.7 oz. 
The required minimum 48 hours and we all but ran home.  I'm so glad you are here.


deb said...

Welcome to the family Little Girl!
You look so much like your momma did. What a beauty : )

Jill T said...

She is so cute. Well done with 10 lbs+!