Saturday, October 11, 2014

Birthday Girl

 It is rather amazing to think that River has been around for a whole year now.  We had a fun day at the tide pools, then partied the night away.
Case insisted on the hats.  Good choice.
 River thought they were awesome.
 He also decorated River's cupcake.  He's been looking forward to using the #1 candle for weeks.
River enjoyed the cake as a full sensory experience.  Why stop with merely tasting, when you can find out what it sounds like squishing through your fingers, or what it feels like in your hair?  Can you really say you understand frosting if it hasn't been rubbed on your cheeks and clumped in your eyelashes?

You know you have truly experienced a meal when you need a bath afterwards. 
I'm so glad you are around, little girl.


rock said...

Nice smiles!

deb said...

Happy B-day River !! She looks so different compared to pics you last posted. Her blue eyes really pop against the bath water