Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Case and I did a lot of working out this summer, after school got out. But with our move we really fell off the wagon, and getting back on is rough. Case is not fond of me as a personal trainer. Today after school we ran around the block~1/3 mile, with a bigger hill than we saw the whole time we lived in Florida. Then we came inside and kept up the torture fun. 3 sets of:10 side to side jumps, over a piece of string

10 steps up with leg curls on each side

10 sit ups
10 push-ups
and 5 forward rolls.


rockwoodimages said...

I can't see his face in all the shots, so it is hard to tell how "fun" it was. One thing for sure, it is good for him! I can't imagine having to do a forward has been a long time!

Lara said...

Thats more working out than I did today

rachel said...

That looks great Erin and like so much fun! (Someday Case will be my next Crossfit convert...)
You look like you're having a blast :)