Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Product endorsement ahead:

Today Case and I played a great game from our new book The Out-Of-Sync Child Has Fun. It was recomended by the amazing Amalah.
There are lots of books out there with playtime ideas for kids, and none of them seemed a good fit for Case-rules he could understand were obvious baby games, and age-appropriate activities were far out of reach. This is the first book I've seen that every activity is something I really could do with Case. Most of the activities count as fun occupational therapy too.


Jill T said...

I'm going to have to check out this book for ideas of stuff to do at school with my kids. I learned some stuff about sensory systems at work the other day that I think you'll be interested in too. I'll call you about them once I really understand them enough to give a succinct explanation. :)

Natalie said...

Seems like you are all settled in there just fine. We LOVE to check in and see what you've been up to! Case seems like he's doing well. New places and things to explore!

Bob's Blog said...

Hey, Erin, this is Lyana.
I am glad I found your blog (through Natalie's:).
Looks like you guys are doing lots of fun things!
I also noticed that Chase has the same orange t-shirt as Alex-haha.