Sunday, September 13, 2009


We found ourselves looking for something different and interesting to do this afternoon, so we headed to the stables near our house. Upon exiting the car, Case starts running towards the animals yelling "huggin da horse!" He was very excited but waiting for the horses to be saddled up was nearly unbearable (I've got such short little legs that the first saddle didn't fit.)

Case and I rode a nice mellow horse named Whiskey. Case patted him on the neck and chattered about farms. If there had been a rooster there he would have died with happiness.

Marc's lovely horse Our guide was a girl who rode bareback and talked on a cellphone. There is something really funny about watching someone text from the back of a horse.
I'm so glad to have such a cool opportunity so close to our house!


deb said...

That is so cool!
Case is ready for a stetson and some boots.

Jill T said...

That is so fun! Is this the riding center you were telling me about? It looks/sounds like Case would love it. It is so neat that you live so close to so many different places to go. Or maybe it is just that you are good at taking advantage of such places.

Natalie said...

That's awesome!! Brian was on a kick for awhile where he wanted horses. I think it was after sea biscuit or something! Makes me laugh. Horses are fun to ride. I wasn't too keen on the idea of owning any though! I've about decided that you can find fun where ever you go!