Wednesday, June 9, 2010


For months now we've been stalking the website of a u-pick farm near us, waiting for the announcement that blueberries were ready to be picked. Finally great news! Case and I drove there bright and early today to beat the heat (it was only 90!) and picked a half gallon of blueberries and blackberries in no time. Don't let these pictures give the false impression that he helped in any way. He did pick and eat a few though; more than the strawberry debacle.
It turns out that blueberries grow on adorable little bushes, without thorns or anything unpleasant. I can't figure out why anything ornamental is ever planted. If we owned our home, I would have torn out half our landscaping and replaced them with blueberries today.
Look at all those beautiful blackberries! We will definitely be back.
We've been tearing into them since we got home. Case likes blueberries best when I roll them across the table to him one at a time; with giggles he will eat a hundred of them. Heaven knows if we'll have any left over for something tasty tomorrow.


deb said...

Ummmm The berries in the colander look like jewels--they would look beautiful layered in a trifle !!

rockwoodimages said...

Well, I looked at the link to the u pick farm. They had things to pick I have never heard of - much less pronounce! Muscadine and Scuppernongs. You can't even get suggestions from spell check because they don't even know what they are. Google did - grapes! Being in bunches, they may be faster to pick. Boy do those blueberries look good. I have never picked them and they are my favorites.

After the rolling eating game, next time Case may be more excited about picking them.

rockwoodimages said...

It was so fun watching him read yesterday. You could tell he enjoyed sounding the words out and getting them right. Nice job working with him and thanks to Hooked on Phonics.

Jill T said...

Mmmm....those look so good. I'm going to look in to if there is anything like that around here in the desert.

DBK said...

Sure wish we had berries here. We have a couple of blackberry vines but never seem to get more than a couple of berries at a time. Blueberrys probably are not a desert fruit!
Looks like Case helps just as much as all the other kids when it comes to picking and eating--always more eating than picking.
Maybe you can do the counting game with the rolling blueberries??