Thursday, April 7, 2011


Every afternoon Case gets off the bus and comes running up the driveway smiling, to run right past my outstretched arms to the azalea bushes where he spends time with his bees. Today we were out there for an hour. He talks to them. He pets them. He picks flowers and holds them out for his tiny little friends. Sometimes he even hugs them. He loves them and I think they understand.

We chose our annuals this year specifically as flowers that bees like. I spend more time researching beekeeping than a renter who will PCS next summer should. Eventually I drag him inside, but he has found ways to keep up with his little friends.


deb said...

I can't think of anything more adorable than the picture of Case
"huggin da bees".

Lara said...

Man, I love that kid. I can't believe how long he can stare at those bees or the fact that they land on his finger. Maybe being a bee whisperer is his super power

rockwoodimages said...

When I was sitting on his fort with him, I spend most of my time trying to keep the bees away. They FREAK me out! He just studied them and smiled. It was great fun spend the time just sitting there watching the bees and seeing how much he enjoyed them - trying to not think about a big stinger in me!