Friday, May 18, 2012

Cancun 3 of 4: Food

  I did not take a lot of pictures while eating in Mexico because I hate to get buttery fingerprints all over my camera (one night we went out and ordered a mountain of seafood:  lobster tails, shrimp, the best tuna I've ever had and a couple other fish all served on a little brazier), but there were a few. The first is just to show off that I personally ate 5 pounds of papaya.  Marc was amazed.  We also destroyed half a dozen mangos, as many avocados, and several pineapples as well.
 This is from the grocery store we went to, where all meats were available in big open air piles, for individual choosing like the fruit. 
The last photo was from our way back from Chicen Itza.  We were starved and wanted to eat at a local place, so we channeled Anthony Bourdain and stopped at a tiny restaurant in a village. We had fresh tortilla chips, half a dozen plates with various condiments and sides, really good seafood soup, tasty fajitas, and flan, because you should always have flan at every opportunity.

1 comment:

deb said...

Oh man! I wish I had some papaya--right now. That meat market is interesting. I personally like my meat in foam trays covered with plastic.