Sunday, December 16, 2012


I was writing a post today about Case's latest moist little friend, whom he has been playing with for two weeks now and loves very much.
But in doing a little research to tell you about this species, I learned a horrible fact.
The Giant African Land Snail, shown here to scale with a longhorn cow, sometimes carries a nematode that causes meningitis.
So despite being a rather good drummer for a mollusk, he has to go.
Hoping to avoid any repercussions from the snail's sudden absence, we are letting Case play video games while we sanitize every surface the creature has slimed.
If Case asks where his snail friend is, we'll probably tell him that the snail "ran away into the mountains."
The truth is a little grittier.
Have you ever seen an African Land Snail do 80 miles per hour?

1 comment:

deb said...

Hope Marc washed his hands .
Remember when you and I went shopping all day for your high school prom dress----came home and found that while we had been gone, poor Lara had been taken to the hospital, had a spinal tap, & was diagnosed with menigitis ? I felt awful not being there for her--but that was in the pre cell phone era. Love being able to stay in touch with my family, even if now we are spread to the 4 corners of the world : )