Thursday, February 5, 2009

Entirely his idea

Holy cow, another food post?
When we got home from the doctor's office this evening, it was time for dinner. We had been discussing our options in the car, but when unleashed upon the kitchen Case decided to take matters into his own hands.He was so proud of his clever idea!Mmmm, sauteed cinnamon hearts. (The hearts were sitting on the counter, but the pan and spatula he got out himself while I wasn't even in there.)
Good thing he can't turn on the stove yet


Lara said...

That is so cute- and what a great sweatshirt.

Natalie said...

So much fun! Okay, so I got your message last night, but I most definitely need to talk to you! TICKLES and KISSES huh!??? I think it started in sacrament with their hands! Now the big questions is...what were you doing???? Just teasing! Kennedy admitted initiating the kisses! She just said, "Mom, he was sad!" Now I need the REAL story!'s starting already!???