Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Case has been really sick the past week, despite an emergency trip to the beach. (The emergency was that Marc and I really miss the beach.)
We had quite a few miserable days where he never even changed out of jammies. He spent hours sleeping, or whining about sleeping. We did have a little fun one afternoon between naps though. This was entirely his idea.


Jill T said...

How is it that the one day i get online in 2 weeks it is the very time that you are on here? Crazy.

I love the little games that Case comes up with, that's awesome. That little smile in the last picture too is so adorable!

Lara said...

I also really love his goofy little smile. I'm so glad he's feeling better

rockwoodimages said...

I think he needs some grandpa time! We miss you guys. I hope he is feeling better and won't miss his last week of school.

DBK said...

Sorry to hear that Case was not doing well, that is really tough.
When he starts playing games life is good.
Pat is trying to figure out what date she can get out there. We really miss being able to play with Case (and you guys) on the weekends.