Friday, May 28, 2010

Firefly 2

More fireflies tonight; they started blinking even before dinner. Case ran around under the trees in his underpants for quite a while, chasing the bugs. I insisted on some boxers for the camera.
It is wonderful fun to chase around the slow moving little beetles in the dusk. Case would catch them, they would crawl on his hands for a few seconds, then take off again. Magical fun.
No visible lightning bugs, but still a great shot.
It took about 100 pictures to get 2 where both the boy and the bug are lit up and focused. There is definitely a beetle here, but he's in stealth mode.
I'm so glad Case got to chase them around and really see them!


Lara said...

They had lightning bugs in Philadelphia, I was so excited until one landed on me and I realized what it was, a creepy beetle instead of something magical. I still enjoyed them, but only from afar.

deb said...

How were you able to get Case to come inside for bed ???